Abstracts submitted for the plenary lectures, invited lectures, session lectures and poster presentation will be reviewed on the basis of scientific merit, novelty and practical application. Please submit abstracts at or The abstracts should not exceed 200 words & should be written in English language including paper title, mentioning the principle author with complete contact details (organization, mailing address, E-mail, phone, fax and coauthors).

You must register as a poster presenter to present a poster. However, students and delegates can also present a poster.

Please join us in sunny Sharjah in February 2016 to share your research and expand the network with fellow academic and corporate researchers.

DEADLINE OF ABSTRACT SUBMISSIONS FOR LECTURE AND POSTER PRESENTATION: 15th January 2016 Poster Size , Poster Preparation Instructions

You are invited to submit your abstracts for the 7th ICDDT, where professionals from around the world will gather to share the latest developments in their field.