3e Conférence internationale sur la découverte de médicaments et de thérapie
7-10 février 2011, Dubaï, Emirats Arabes Unis
Cette conférence internationale unique fournit une plateforme pour tous les scientifiques pharmaceutiques, internists et médecins de première ligne afin de discuter et d'en savoir plus sur tous les développements importante internationale sur la découverte de médicaments et nouvelles thérapeutiques.
Une conférence organisée par Eureka Science et Higher Colleges of Technology (EAU) , il se concentre sur les domaines interdisciplinaires de la découverte, la pharmacothérapie et la médecine Translation.
Après que le succès retentissant des conférences précédentes s'est tenue à Dubaï en février 2008 et 2010 (où de nombreux lauréats de prix Nobel ont assistés), la troisième Conférence sera un beaucoup plus grand événement avec plus de 500 conférenciers et 35 sessions thématiques avec des 'posters' et une exposition commerciale associée.
Au cours de la conférence de quatre jours, vous aurez l'occasion d'entendre les dirigeants des communautés pharmaceutiques, universitaires et cliniques internationales.
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"The 3rd International Conference on Drug Discovery and Therapy should provide eminent scientists the opportunity to present their cutting edge researches in the field of drug development/therapy and applications in medicine. It should once again be able to attract a number of Nobel Laureates and leading researchers to Dubai. The previous conference held in February 2010 in Dubai was an outstanding success and I am greatly looking forward to once again participating in this exciting scientific annual event in February 2011. I expect that it will come to be regarded as the top conference in the Middle East in its field."
"The 3rd International Conference on Drug Discovery & Therapy", scheduled to be held from 7th - 10th February, 2011 will bring together the world's leading scientists in the field of drug discovery and therapy to discuss their latest researches in the exciting setting of sunny Dubai. The conference should provide an occasion to the participanting scientists not only to present their researches and interact with eminent colleagues but also to enjoy the magical environment of the rich Eastern traditions and culinary delights of Dubai.
La haute stature internationale de cette conférence se reflète le fait que six lauréats de prix Nobel ont déjà accepté de participer à la conférence.
Les lauréats du prix Nobel qui vont présenter des conférences plénières lors de la conférence sont:
- Prof. Dr. Ferid Murad, (USA)
- Prof. Dr. Robert Huber, (Allemagne)
- Prof. Dr. Erwin Neher, (Allemagne)
- Prof. Dr. Werner Arber, (USA)
- Prof. Dr Jean-Marie Lehn (France)
- Exchange ideas and network with leading pharmaceutical scientists,
clinicians and internists.
- Brings together top international scientists and clinicians
presenting the cutting-edge discoveries, research and new
therapeutic drugs.
- First ever international conference to span the interdisciplinary
fields of pre-clinical and clinical drug discovery and drug
- First ever international conference to highlight the burgeoning
field of Translational Medicine - and the major advances from
"bench to bedside" research and practice.
- Exhibitors can gain direct access to a core audience of
professionals and decision makers and have increased visibility
through branding and networking at the conference.
- Obtain a global roundup of Pharmaceutical research capabilities
and opportunities.
- The conference will feature a commercial exhibition and
poster sessions.
- Obtain CME accreditation for select attended clinical lectures.

The conference will attract a targeted group of
senior international decision makers. Delegates and exhibitors
will have a valuable, informative and positive experience.
- CEOs, CROs, senior directors and research associates from the pharmaceutical industry
- Pharmaceutical scientists
- Clinicians
- Internists
- Medical students (Delegate / Poster Presenter