| | Born
on August 1965 in Sweden, Dr. Ola Stig Winqvist did his M.D
and Ph.D from the University of Uppsala in 1994. He worked
as a docent in experimental medicine in 1999 and got the license
to practice medicine in the same year. He became the consultant
of clinical immunology in 2008. For three years, he worked
on a Post-Doc position in the Scripps Research Institute,
California. He also worked on a Tenure Track position at the
Karolinska Institute for six years and as a cancer researcher
in the Swedish Cancerfoundation for four years. He did his
research internship from the University Hospital of Uppsala.
He served at Wallenberg as a senior scientist for three years.
He supervised 16 post graduate students. He received Wassers
reward from Uppsala University for writing best thesis in
1994, and Lions Young investigator award in 2002. He is the
member of the Endocrine Society, American Association of Immunologist
and the Swedish Society of Medicine. He was appointed as the
associate editor of The Open Autoimmunity Journal in 2008.
He also shouldered the committee duties as the Chairman of
the National Network of Junior Scientists in 2005-2006, as
the Chairman of the National Cellular Immunology guideline
group in 2008, as the Director of FOCIS excellence center
at Karolinska in 2008, and as the Cofounder and vice chairman
of the Karolinska Inflammatory Immunology Network (KiiM) from
2005. He contributed in 57 research articles (out of them
6 are in process), 10 are review articles and 2 patents.